Password Manager

Protecting your online accounts matters. You need a password manager.

Control the Chaos

You have dozens of passwords to log in to almost anything these days. What's the best password you have? How many places do you use that password? If the answer is more than one, you're at risk of having a serious problem when there is a data breach that affects that password. To better secure your online accounts, you should have a unique, complex password for each one. But how?

A password manager is an encrypted storage and retrieval system that can securely hold the information within it, storing it behind a single passphrase and two-factor authentication that only you should know. Within the vault, you can store information like usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information that you want to store.

But Doesn't My Web Browser Do That?

When your web browser asks you to save a password for auto-fill, it can make signing in to your web accounts more convenient. But how did you access those passwords? Was there any challenge to ensuring that it was really you using them? Those passwords are at the mercy of whoever is using the computer. A better place to store those passwords is in a secure password vault that ask you to unlock it before filling in the password.

Be Proactive. Life (and Death...) Happens

Life is complicated enough, using a password manager can help you anticipate and respond to data breaches by notifying you when your password is leaked, and help you change them.

Nobody likes to talk about death, but the old adage is that it's one of two things sure in life. What happens to all those passwords when your time comes? Your password manager solution should have a "survivability" measure that allows the people you designate to easily gain access to your online accounts, without having to wait for the probation of an estate or all the legal documents.

Why Choose Top-Hat Tech Vault?

The choices for password managers are sometimes overwhelming. You know you need one, so why choose Top-Hat Tech over the others?

  • Safe & Secure — Your data is hosted on our private cloud, and therefore is less vulnerable than at the companies that host millions of password vaults.
  • Full Service — We offer consultations to get you migrated and trained on how to rein in all your digital life to be more secure. This training is available both remotely and in-person, depending on travel requirements.
  • Support — Top-Hat Tech services every solution that it offers. If you have a problem, we will help set it right.

Ready for some help or advice?

Get in touch with us below or call us at Call Us 361-594-6250. Our team responds to most emails with 24 hours.

About Top-Hat Tech

Top-Hat Tech

Founded in 2018 by Brian Langhoff, Top-Hat Tech has served clients all over the United States with IT projects of all sizes and budgets.
We focus on providing our clients with cost-effective solutions that exceed their expectations.